If you are an avid rook player, you have no doubt gone through a few decks of rook playing cards. Here at rook game, typically with buy our rook cards at places like walmart or target. They typically cost around $6.00 per pack. Unfortunately, if you play a lot, these decks get sticky and damaged rather quickly. As of right now, there is no specific place selling plastic rook cards. Some people have simply used a regular deck of plastic cards with a joker as the rook, however a regular deck of cards only has 53 cards (including the joker) whereas the rook deck is typically 57. This can make for some slight changes in the game though we have people that are completely fine with this change.
Deluxe Rook Cards
Deluxe rook cards are exactly the same as other sets of rook cards, simply made by a different company and have slightly different bird figures.
Plastic Rook Cards
The Website Rook Playing Cards has shown a dedication to locating the latest information on purchasing plastic rook cards. We highly recommend joining their mailing list to get informed when a company has produced rook cards in full plastic.
Additional information regarding plastic rook cards is now available.