To take your game to the next level, the lonely 14 strategy is very important to being able to win those marginal holdings.
What is meant by lone 14?
A lone 14 is when you only have one card of a certain color and that one card is a 14. So for example, you have 5 black cards, 4 yellow, 3 red cards, and one green card, and your one green card is the 14 of green.
Bidding with a Lone 14
During the bidding stages, it is our suggestion to be slightly more aggressive than normal as your 14 should basically be considered an automatic loss. Typically, players will lead the 1 of colors first, so your 14 will automatically get taken whether by you or your partner.
If you bid slightly more aggressively and are able to take the bid, you are likely to either add some cards in the color to help support your 14, or you will be able to leave the 14 in the kitty, so it is not susceptible to and easy loss.
Even if you are to get one card (say a 12 of green) in the kitty, it would still be highly recommended to place both of those cards in the kitty to create a void. The void could ultimately help save again 25 points when your opponents play a 1 and a 10 together and you would have been forced to play your 12.
When you do not take the bid and have a Lone 14
If you do not take the bid and are sitting with a lone 14 in your hand. There are a number of times when leading the 14 can be an important strategy to setting your opponent or helping your partner make their bid. Leading the 14 even if the 1 has not been played signifies to your partner that you have no more in that color. There may be an opportunity for you to sneak in a trump if your partner is able to lead back at you in that color. Especially if you are sitting with the rook in your hand and want to trump that in as soon as possible.
Taking an Extra Trick
If your partner happens to have the 1, it also allows them to let the 14 win when most other times, the 14 would not have taken a trick in that round.
Lone 14s are deceptively important in making or missing close bids. When you are talking about 10 point swings and a good trick, the way you get by playing the singleton 14 will be of strong importance to making your team a winning team.