Playing Rook on Your iPhone

If you do a quick search for a rook app on your iPhone, you will find that there is really only one application that comes up. It is a rook application which allows you to keep track of your rook game scores on the phone. Including who’s deal it is, and what the bid was taken for.

Not quite a rook game app. It is helpful, however, some may find it unnecessary to pay the $.99 fee to purchase.

Back to the matter at hand, there is currently no way to play rook on the iPhone! This post serves as a request to all those iPhone programmers out there looking for something to do. Create an iPhone app that you can connect with friends to play in your network. The closest thing right now would be the PC version of the rook application.

9 thoughts on “Playing Rook on Your iPhone

    1. admin Post author

      I hear you, I would love to see a rook game for either android or iPhone. But as of yet, no dice. Most recent update: Still no App created! I thought apple’s phrase states “yeah, there’s an app for that”, where’s the Rook Game App?

  1. chris

    You can play rook online at duelboards with your cell, however It’s difficult to press the right card due to the size.

  2. Don Wilson

    I am writing an iOS app for Rook and I would love to get some feedback on it. I’m very interested in your opinion. I’d like to either chat or send an email rather than ask them all on your blog. Let me know if you’re interested.


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